Hilda Bahati: The life coach returns with Musawo health show

She is a mother, wife, entrepreneur, author, life and relationship coach; couple therapist, transformation speaker and above all a media personality, her name is Hilda Bahati.

The Nile Post caught up with her.

Who is Hilda Bahati?
Bahati Hilda Sabiti is a Ugandan transformation speaker, couple therapist, author, life and relationship coach, and media personality.

How Bahati sees herself
I am known primarily for my books – Deliberately Selfish and Tears on my Pillow , the coach radio talk shows, my speaking engagements and host for The Morning Xpress, a daily show on Sanyuka TV.

In 2016, I was named as one of the 100 most influential Ugandan women because of my work over the years.

I am dedicated to facilitating the growth and evolution of human consciousness because I a woman on a mission, and that mission is to make Life and relationships happier and more fulfilling.

As woman of passion, vision, and purpose, I approach everything with a no-nonsense approach and teaching style. I can be outspoken, fiery, but always transparent, truthful because I strive to be a living testament to the value in life’s valleys and the power of acts of faith.

As a certified relationship coach, a speaker and author, I seize every opportunity to help both men and women overcome the challenges that hinder their lives and relationships.

From understanding the opposite sex, to navigating the paths and avoiding the pitfalls of life, relationships and self -growth, my relationship advice and insight helps countless individuals achieve an authentically amazing life.

I work to empower millions to take charge of the difficult situations standing in the way of the life and love they seek and to make impactful changes on a daily basis.

At what stage did you realize you could do all this?
After doing Information Technology at University, I realized I was on a wrong track and had to try something new.

Tell us about one moment that greatly changed your life
I think I have two major moments that turned my life around.
The first one was when I watched my parents separating. It was a painful moment because I knew what was happening and I was full of anger, resentment and so many things that drove me into a research while I was quite young on how to maintain a marriage, relationship and how to generally live a good life and be happy.

This was because I wanted to live the opposite of what my parents had lived and with a smile, I can say I have succeeded at that and I have been able to help millions of marriages to succeed and stay afloat even after so many setbacks.

The second moment that changed my life was when I was at campus and literally had nothing. I had enrolled back to campus for guidance and counseling after doing my first bachelors. It was a really hard time because I was a grown up studying with freshers, the tuition. I had no penny on me. One time I was very hungry and had only shs200. Since then, I made a covenant with me never to be broke again in my life.

Since then (2011), I have never been broke and broken in my life. I made a covenant with my life, changed my life and stuck with me up to date.

You have been quiet for a number of months, where have you been?
I have been on maternity leave but I am back.

How was the maternity leave?
It has been really a great time of resting because I have a tight schedule throughout the year and I rarely give my self-time to rest. I have therefore used this time to slow down, think, plan, create more content and get in touch with my fans, friends, followers, readers and people who have questions for me.

It has been a time for recollecting myself and come back with a bang. It has been a really great time.
What now do you have for us from the maternity leave?

Like I said, I am back with a bang and the cat in the coat is the Musawo show on Sanyuka Television.

What is Musawo show?
Musawo is about getting more from life. It is a weekly health show featuring different health practitioners that discuss themes relevant to our health and wellbeing, food and nutrition, mental health and natural therapies.
The program is meant to educate people on facts about their health and living.

How different is it from the other health shows?
At the Musawo show, we dig deep into facts, statistics, research and diagnosis of different health conditions that not others do.
It therefore feels great to be back, especially at such a time like this when people need this information more than ever.

Face book page – Bahati Hilda Sabiti

YouTube channel – Bahati Hilda Sabiti

Instagram – @bahatihildasabiti

Twitter – @BahatiHilda

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