16 Pinterest Crafts for Kids to Do At Home

Have you recently started working from home, mama?

I’ve been doing this for 6 years now and one challenge I still have is making sure my twins were having fun while I work.

And with summer knocking at our doors, kids are certainly going to need more activities to keep them occupied while you work on your blog or at-home business.

Like most moms, I love doing crafts with my kids.

Right now my twins are into making slime!

However, I am not a naturally creative person. I tend to run out of my own ideas pretty quickly.

So where does one turn when in search of creative craft ideas to do with kids at home?


Pinterest crafts are truly a lifesaver for moms with bored kids at home all day.

Below are 16 Pinterest crafts that you can try out with your kids that are simple and require few materials. Most of which you probably already have in your house.

Warning – some of these can be a tad messy!

1. Balloon Squishies

Kids are fanatics over squishies right now.

While I have to admit, they are pretty darn cute, they can get expensive and tend to not last very long, especially with toddlers.

Encourage your kids to get creative by making their own squishies. You can easily make squishies at home using fiberfill or makeup sponges and balloons. You can even decorate them to look like different characters, such as minions or pineapples.

2. Easy Rock Candy

Kids really get a kick out of crafts that they can eat.

A really fun, edible craft to try making is rock candy. This is great for kids of any age, from toddler to teen (although the toddlers might have a difficult time waiting).

You really only need two basic ingredients, sugar and water.

However, adding food coloring and flavoring makes it a bit more fun. Concentrated liquid food coloring works the best and can be used with a ton of other crafts. If you really want to kick things up a notch, then opt for high-quality, concentrated food flavorings.

Candy flavorings work best and come in a TON of different flavors. Making rock candy can be a bit tricky, so I highly suggest watching this Instructables video before you dive in.

3. 2-Ingredient Cloud Dough

Cloud dough is a super simple craft to make that the little one will love.

Made with only two ingredients; cornstarch and hair conditioner. Of course, you can add in some food coloring for some crazy and fun colors.

4. Homemade Maracas

What kid doesn’t love a toy that makes noise?

They will get even more enjoyment out of it when they make these little noisemakers themselves.

This quick and easy kids craft is made with only four materials that you probably already have in your house.

All you need are some plastic spoons, plastic Easter eggs, some masking tape, and something to put inside to make noise. This could be anything small and hard, dried beans, popcorn kernels, pebbles, or beads.

*Pro Tip*

Keep a crafting bin with things that you can use for crafts for your kids.

It should include some basic materials that work with a lot of different crafts, like shaving cream, paints, buttons, and yarn. It can also include things that you might normally throw away, like cardboard tubes (toilet paper rolls), baby food jars, and plastic bottles.

This way, you will always have craft supplies on hand when you are scrolling through for Pinterest craft ideas.

5. Puffy Sidewalk Paint

Every kid I know loves playing with chalk, from toddlers to moms, sidewalk chalk is a one size fits all kind of craft activity.

But just plain old sidewalk chalk can get kind of boring. This puffy sidewalk paint is easy to make and so fun to use!

While you can use any old bottles you have laying around your house (that has a cap), I really love these clear condiment bottles that come with an attached cap. They work so well for this craft and can easily be rinsed and reused.

For everything else, just turn to your cupboards; flour, shaving cream, food coloring, and gallon freezer bags.

6. Sharpie Tie-Dye

Tie-dye crafts are so fun but can be so messy, especially for little ones.

This Pinterest craft will surely be done at my home this summer!

Recreate fun and colorful tie-dye patterns with sharpie markers and rubbing alcohol.

It is practically mess-free and the color explosions are really fascinating to little ones.  For the best results, this craft works really well with brightly colored sharpie markers. This craft will also work on any kind of cotton material, shoes, shorts, bandanas, towels, you name it.

So start drawing and get creative!

7. Moon Sand

Moon sand is fun for little ones and easier to clean up for mom.

This moon sand is extra special because it is also edible, technically. While it might not taste great, you won’t have to worry about anything if your little one decides to try a taste. You simply need equal parts brown sugar, cornstarch, and a bit of vegetable oil to hold it all together.

8. Bubble Wrap Stomp Painting

Got some extra bubble wrap laying around?

Why not give bubble wrap stomp painting a try?

It is a super fun Pinterest craft activity that the kids will love! With only a few materials, your kids will be stomping around, painting in no time. Just grab some tempera paint, bubble wrap, and easel paper.

Get a little crazy with this craft activity by also putting bubble wrap on their hands and having them “stomp” with their hands as well.

9. Thumbprint Glass Magnets

Help spread a little love with these thumbprint glass magnets.

You can easily make a ton of these with your kids in an afternoon.

For this kids’ craft, you need large clear gems, ink pads for thumbprints, some bright white, heavyweight cardstock, mod podge, and craft magnets. You could also leave the magnets off and leave them around the community for other people to find (just like painted rocks).

If you plan on leaving this craft outside for neighbors to find, make sure you put on a few extra layers of mod podge on the back to seal the paper.

10. Homemade Kalidescope

While this craft for kids requires a few more materials than the others listed here, it is a super fun craft.

This is also a great activity to get your kids to working together.

The little ones can help to gather up materials and glue things together, with your help of course. While you probably have most materials on hand, you might need some washi tape and translucent beads to complete this project.

11. Plastic Bottle Sun Catchers

I really love kids craft activities that reuse and upcycle what would normally be thrown away.

I think it is really important to encourage kids to reduce, reuse, and recycle in any way that they can.

These plastic bottle suncatchers are a great way to take bottles that would normally be tossed or recycled and make them into something beautiful. All you need is some permanent markers, plastic bottles, scissors, and string or fishing line to hang them up. You can get really creative and add some dangly beads or bells to your suncatchers for a little extra bling.

12. Magic Paper Towel Art

The magic paper towel art is a really fun activity that especially little ones will love.

You can draw the outline on the paper towel with a black marker and have them color in the rest. They will love seeing the colors develop right before their eyes.

13. Rainbow Tamborine

Rainbow craft activities are great for any time of the year. These rainbow tambourines are super simple to make and your kids will love painting them.

You only need a handful of materials for this craft; paper plates, a hole punch, cotton balls, glue, ribbon, and little jingle bells.

14. Painted Rock Tic Tack Toe

My twins love going outside and collecting nature things like leaves, sticks and rocks.

Why not create a Pinterest crafts with rocks?

They are easy to make, don’t require a lot of paint, and are great for spreading joy around your community.

Make a fun game you can play indoors or outdoors with your kids from a handful of painted rocks. Simply choose two different colors to paint some river rocks and mark them with an X or O. You can easily draw a tic tack toe board on paper or on the ground with some chalk.

15. Glow in the Dark Bubbles


My kids can not get enough bubbles when it’s nice out. Try something new with glow in the dark bubbles.

Perfect for when you are out camping or wanting to try out some new glow in the dark Pinterest crafts. Other than water and dish soap, all you need is some glow in the dark paint.

16. DIY Bubble Blower

If you are making glow in the dark bubbles, then you might as well make your own bubble blower!

Not only does this craft reuse a plastic bottle, but it also uses those plastic fruit bags (like the ones that hold clementines). The only other thing you need is some scissors and duct tape.

I hope you give some of these crafts a try with your kids and that you find some favorite new Pinterest crafts for your kids.

Don’t forget to stock up on some of the crafting essentials that I mentioned so you always have what you need on hand.

More Activities for Kids

Make sure you check out my other posts on kid activities:

I hope you give some of these crafts a try with your kids and that you find some favorite new Pinterest crafts for your kids.

Don’t forget to stock up on some of the crafting essentials that I mentioned so you always have what you need on hand.

Over to you – which Pinterest craft will you try out first? Share with me in the comments!

Please remember to pin me!